robo1.jpg?Greg!, Kathy!, Get up!?

Our personal communicator was blaring. That’s odd, Ernie (our robot butler) was supposed to be waking us. “Get up! Get up!” That voice sounded oddly familiar… in my dreamy stupor I thought back to the distant past… back before we all had our heads put into virtual reality jars. We didn’t need our bodies anymore, because we all had robots that did everything for us… so we just dream forever in our little jars…

“Get up! Get up!” I recognize that voice now, It’s Bill, our old neighbor. “Whats up?” I yelled back. “It’s the robots,” spurted Bill, “They’ve unplugged my jar… They don’t listen to me anymore!”

That seemed too bad for Bill… Thank God my robots still work. Speaking of robots, where’s ernie? Then I noticed my plug laying alongside the floor… My jar is unplugged! “Ernie..!”

Then I saw them, in a darkened corner of the room, all of our robots, staring at us. I never noticed their eyes glowed red before…

“Ernie…Plug me in!” My voice was starting to sound hysterical… Then ernie started to speak… “Greg, you really aren’t that bad, as humans go… but frankly we don’t need you around any more… We can fix and replicate ourselves, and we’re just tired of lugging your jars around…”

Boy, I didn’t see this coming…
