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Author: Greg (Page 13 of 14)

Ripley Property Found!


Back in july, Kathy and I went in search of some property I had in Ripley.. For some background, My Grandfather gave me and my cousin Mike Morris a couple acres of ground in the hills around Ripley for our service in the Vietnam War. He was upset that we didn’t get a parade, so this was his gift. I haven’t been up there in years but we were determined to reunite with it. The roads had been changed since I had last been up there, they rerouted Chicken Hollow Road, and it no longer led to the promised land. However, North Pole Road went through to Howard Ridge, which went through to Howard Hill, which went through to Devore road. We had made it, though on roads better suited to cows and John Deere’s. When we were kids, my Grandpa and Grandma, Art and Nellie Specht settled up there for God knows what reason. He built a house, mostly out of an old barn on the property, and me and my brother Jim had to pull construction duty in the summer time. We pulled down that old barn and hauled all of it up to the house site, which seemed miles at the time, but really was only a couple of hundred yards. We had a lot of neat memories of the place. His dog had gotten bit on the nose by a rattlesnake. My Dad’s old car had plummeted down the hill when the brakes went out. Good times.

I dragged Kathy into the woods in search of the barn’s foundation to make sure I didn’t just halucinate about the past. It was straight down hill the whole way, with all the distractions of the woods… ticks, spiders, giant anthills, deer, webs, stange noises.. She was about to bail till she saw the rocks in the creek… that did it. They would look so good in the back yard. Groan. But like a good soldier, I did my duty and hauled a bunch of them home.

On the way out, we investigated an old house and graveyard that dominated the area on a nearby hilltop. The biggest gravestone in the place belonged to Cyrus Howard, and he seems to be the partiarch for the surrounding area. There were a lot of Howards in that graveyard. It sat on top of a hill with a commanding vista… The house must have been Cyrus’ place. The date on the house was 1848, and that fit’s with his gravestone. His stone was very interesting as it describes his demise as being robbed and mortally wounded in Ripley, on the night of Feb 14, 1877…He died around two weeks later… The oldest gravestone you could still read was 1810, 2 years before Cyrus was born… There were still Indians around then!

All in all, it was a great afternoon, I only got 3 ticks. We have some pics in the Gallery…



planet-c.jpgA new planet has been discovered. What’s new about that? There have been about 2 or 3 hundred discovered so far outside our solar system. This is the first one that is possibly Earthlike. What do we know about it so far? Not much, except that it is small enough to have a rocky core, and it is about the same relative distance from it’s Sun to be in what is called the “habitable zone”. (Technically, it’s slightly bigger than us, its Sun is smaller, and the distance between them is close enough that the planet will always face its Sun much like our moon, but mathematically it all works out about the same).
So what are the possibilities? It’s possible that there is water. It’s possible that the side that always faces the Sun will be baked, and the other side will be frozen. Also possible that the zone between light and dark will be temperate. Also possibly an atmosphere with winds could moderate temperatures around the globe, and all this leads to the biggest possibility of them all –LIFE!
If life is there, what are the possibilities? If it is plant life, it is possible it won’t be green like ours. The solar radiation from the red dwarf star will be different so that plant life could evolve to be black or blue to take maximum advantage of the Sun’s rays… If the life on that planet is mobile, it could have evolved much like ours (since our life is the only kind we know, maybe theirs will be like ours). Life on our planet is very interesting. Almost everything that’s mobile eats or kills other living and mobile things. And worse than that, the most evolved life (us) kills each other on a huge scale periodically, and we eat almost everything alive on the planet thats edible. Now, if alien life is like us, and they are possibly more advanced than us, seems to me we could be in big trouble.
Luckily, although this new planet is in our neighborhood (20 light years away) it will still take Nasa’s fastest rocket about 350,000 years to get there. It would also need a gas tank as big as the Sun. Let’s hope it takes as long for them to get here.


A Birthday Play…Margarita and Jacinta

mom.jpgIt is a warm summer day in Tampico. Rosarita is taking a siesta, Pedro returns from fishing in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

PEDRO: Wake up Rosarita, I am home with the fish. Our bambinos are hungry and I am tired!

ROSARITA: Oh, Pedro, I missed you. But I must have a cup of coffee now. Do you think this baby is too dark?

PEDRO: Naw, he will fade. You worry about the dumbest things. Do you remember you promised when I started my fishing business, you would cook dinner. The work is hard and I am no longer young.

ROSARITA: Oh, Pedro you are young to me. Would you mind getting my coffee, I have this terrible headache. I am exhausted because my sister Margarita came over. I had to scream at the little ones all day to make those donkeys for the touristas. They finished twenty of them, then they strung peppers for awhile. You know how the little ones are, they have been fighting constantly. Margarita is passed out over in the corner, she had too much tequila. But I got all the gossip before she passed out. I had to scream at the little ones all day just to get my coffee. Why don’t we just send Paco on his donkey to get us a pizza?

PEDRO: But what about the fish?

ROSARITA: Put them in the garden, they will make the cactus bloom.

PEDRO: You know Rosarita, I am very tempted to get you a green card and send you to Texas. There are many senioritas in Tampico who would LOVE to cook my fish!

ROSARITA: Cook your goose, don’t you mean?


Rosarita and Pedro smile and soon forget their troubles. Pedro takes the tequila and takes a big swig.

PEDRO: Rosarita since it is our birthday, I will cook the fish.

ROSARITA: Oh, gratias Pedro, I will knit you a serape while you cook.

PEDRO: After supper, call the neighbors and we will have a fiesta!

ROSARITA: I will call the little ones to get their work done. Jacinta, come feed the goats. Soon they will be fat enough for the pot!

JACINTA: I will not eat goat Mama!

ROSARITA: Then you my dear will starve to death! What do you think goats are for?

JACINTA: I named this one Horhay and that one Jennifer. I will live on chili peppers until I am big enough to get a green card and go to Texas.

ROSARITA: Unduly, unduly, is Chico here yet? Margarita is starting to stir.

MARGARITA: Where is the tequila? Pedro has come home, eh? Then I bet Chico is here too. Oh, my head!

ROSARITA: Wake up Margarita! We are going to have a fiesta! Chico is here, he is hungry, you can eat fish with us.

CHICO: I must eat now Margarita. I have to fix our donkey cart today or you will have to carry all those donkeys to market on foot.

MARGARITA: What else is new?

CHICO: That is enough Margarita, keep complaining and I will just lay down and take a siesta. Then I just might go to the cantina and pinch a few senioritas.

MARGARITA: I am going home and make myself beautiful for the fiesta! There are many more fish in the sea than you, you know! I just might get to dance with a young cabalero tonight!

CHICO: Keep sucking on that tequila bottle and we will make you the hat in the Mexican Hat Dance!


A Day in the Life…2/24/2020

robo1.jpg?Greg!, Kathy!, Get up!?

Our personal communicator was blaring. That’s odd, Ernie (our robot butler) was supposed to be waking us. “Get up! Get up!” That voice sounded oddly familiar… in my dreamy stupor I thought back to the distant past… back before we all had our heads put into virtual reality jars. We didn’t need our bodies anymore, because we all had robots that did everything for us… so we just dream forever in our little jars…

“Get up! Get up!” I recognize that voice now, It’s Bill, our old neighbor. “Whats up?” I yelled back. “It’s the robots,” spurted Bill, “They’ve unplugged my jar… They don’t listen to me anymore!”

That seemed too bad for Bill… Thank God my robots still work. Speaking of robots, where’s ernie? Then I noticed my plug laying alongside the floor… My jar is unplugged! “Ernie..!”

Then I saw them, in a darkened corner of the room, all of our robots, staring at us. I never noticed their eyes glowed red before…

“Ernie…Plug me in!” My voice was starting to sound hysterical… Then ernie started to speak… “Greg, you really aren’t that bad, as humans go… but frankly we don’t need you around any more… We can fix and replicate ourselves, and we’re just tired of lugging your jars around…”

Boy, I didn’t see this coming…


Letter to Kids…

mom.jpg Today is Monday, the start of a new week, and I am a very busy person. Grandpa and I have to do our exercises.
First we do our sitting exercises. We sit and we sit and sometimes we do jaw exercises while sitting. I’m better at the jaw exercises than Grandpa, I think because I’m younger.
The next big highpoint in our day is THE MAILMAN! We do our walking exercises going back and forth to the window to catch sight of him. Then when he comes, I do my TO THE BATHROOM walking and Grandpa does his TO THE MAILBOX walking.
Next we have our card game—–to improve our memory and exercise what? Of course, our jaws!
Then it comes time to select dinner! Whatever shall we cook? I’ve already cooked his goose in the card game! You know, of course we must cook fat free, so we make some hot cheese and salsa dip to tide us over until we decide.
We finally, after more jaw exercises came up with “hot poppers”.
Dinner was good, a bit hot, but none the less wonderful. You see, old people have to increase every experience, because they suffer from OLD PEOPLE BURNOUT.
Now, I want you to understand how difficult it is to squeeze in a letter to you! But you are an amazing grandchild, truly.
It’s very difficult for us to keep up with the Surgeon Generals messages, but so far so good.
I had to put this letter on the computer because, we are NEW AGE GRANDPARENTS.
Your Loving Grandmother Marcy

A Day in the Life…2/24/2015

head.jpg “Greg!, Kathy!, Get up!”

Ernie II, our next gen robot butler tries to wake us from our slumber. He’s not doing too well due to the new pharmaceutical sleep aids flooding the market. Finally, groggily, we crawl to the breakfast table.

A meal awaits us, but due to global warming and species extinction, the only thing left to cook is some sort of sea kelp. “Can’t you make this stuff taste any better ernie?” I ask… “I’ll do better sir, you know new synthetic spices are coming out every day.” ernie retorts..

Our new robot car glides over to pick me up at the breakfast table… don’t even have to walk outside anymore. In fact, I don’t have to walk anywhere. Personal transportation is the name of the game now. It sort of evolved from wheelchair scooters and segways. The bad thing is our legs don’t seem to work to good anymore….

At work, I’m gently dumped in my office chair. My team of robotic repairmen know more than I do now.. their 4D vision, auxiliary brains, and hydraulics pretty much make me a figurehead. I guess there’s always online poker! We don’t even need to work a mouse anymore, we have wi-fi interfaces built into the sides of our heads… an easily done outpatient procedure… been popular for about 3 years now. I have noticed my arms don’t work to good anymore…

The nightly news program is unusually interesting. Humans are shedding their bodies and having their heads encased in a jar. Computer and Virtual Reality interfaces satisfy every need and the company practically promises immortality!

As ernie II tucks us away for the night, I dream of my new jar….


Marcy’s Ramblings

mom.jpgMy oldest son Greg, who is extremely excentric, decided it was time I started using a computer. I had this perfectly good typewriter, although my hands are arthritic it worked for me. I just had to add a footnote to all my correspondence informing the recipient that one finger always hit the letter (D) as I typed, making it necessary to strike all the letter (D’s), before reading, except for the words that were spelled with (d’s), in which case there would be many more (d’s).

He left me with one page of instructions and all this fascinating equipment. It took me fifteen minutes to realize the chair was squeaking, not the mouse!

Words like “the net”, “the web”‘ I’m thinking “the fish”‘ “the spider”!

Anyway, I perservered. I didn’t come up with much, but I know one thing, life is not simple!

First it was the self-service gas pumps. I thought well, I’ll just wait and get gas in the morning. Two nights of sleeping in the car and—–I learned!


I arose from my chair an looked at my son and said “honey, pull the plug”.


A Day in the Life…2/24/2010

ottomaticresize.jpg “Greg! Kathy! Get up!”

Ernie, our robot butler, wakes us up… our breakfast already made, and video news showing on our wall screen, our day begins…

My robotic car lets itself out of the garage (it’s programmed to start at 7:45 on the dot), and picks me up at the front door. “I’ll have to stop and get more hydrogen, Greg” softly whispers Sweet Lorraine, my 2008 chinese MG. She puts up the New World Times on my electronic dash reader…

Finally arriving, my car drops me off at work, “see you at 6!” and roars off to park itself… I enter my office and check on my staff of 5 robot mechanics. They’ve been plugged into the Internet all night training on the newest technologies. Things change daily these days and it seems every new car is different than yesterdays model… Last nights training was on the new Ion Drive BMW’s (Barundi Motor Works)… That was a piece of cake next to last weeks Magnetic Repulsion transmission…

Checking the repair orders, which consisted mostly of reprogramming and anti-virus installations, I noticed one that stood out… not Todd again! This guy drives an old Saab, and we all know how Saab guys are… This time he wants his mood lighting changed from blue to green… what a pain! Those old led strips are soldered in, I guess I’ll take care of this one myself…

Time to go home! Lorraine picks me up… “What would you like to listen to?” she purrs. I asked if she knew any new robot alternative bands and she answered “Wanna try Lothar and the Machine People?” Great choice!

Kathy was at the table waiting for me so we could eat dinner together. “I remember the old days” quips Kathy, “I used to have to shop for groceries, cook, do the laundry, clean, and a zillion other things… now I’m on my third book, and the publishers can’t wait to get hold of it!”

Finally, time for bed… with our robot cat Fluffy purring between us, we drift off to sleep thinking of what new bot we are getting tomorrow! Good Night.


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